Lisa’s Story

I sustained an impact injury to my right hip which caused the development of osteoarthritis. Over time, the space in my hip joint contracted and limited my movement. A constant aching in the joint made sleep difficult and sitting for any length of time impossible. A neighbor who had a hip replacement with good results through Iowa Ortho convinced me that the direct anterior approach would meet my criteria. Since I had invested 30 years into ballroom dancing, I was anxious to continue dancing and compete with improved fluidity and technique. The decision to receive my care through Iowa Ortho was the first step getting me back on the dance floor.

Dr. Aderibigbe spent a lot of time explaining the hip replacement process and answered any questions I had, especially regarding limitations that might affect my dancing and pilates. Each step of the process was thoroughly explained. Scheduling was done based on my availability. I went through the replacement with no unforeseen issues or surprises.

The day after surgery, I was evaluated by the physical therapist on the stairs and started using a walker. I was confident my recovery would go smoothly since my education and counseling had been so thorough prior to surgery.

Once home, I did my exercises religiously. I navigated the house with my walker and did my self-care with no problem. I believe that the education provided to me through ‘joint camp’ was key to my rapid, full recovery. Planning was critical. I could hear Dr. Aderibigbe say, “walk, walk, walk”. So as soon as I could, I was walking outside for progressively longer distances several times a day while also doing my exercises. I kept visualizing myself on the dance floor. Gradually I resumed my cross training including swimming, pilates, and of course dancing.

I cannot say enough about the competent, compassionate care I received from Dr. Aderibigbe. He never appeared to be rushed and always took the time necessary during my education, evaluation and treatment. His bedside manner was always positive and sincere. He is one of the best physicians I have had the privilege to experience.

I have returned to competitive ballroom dancing with a vengeance. I do the dances that ‘fly’ around the floor using long steps that glide — waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep, etc. These dances require the hip of the supporting foot to initialize the next step to creating smooth long steps. I also do lots of gardening and outside work requiring climbing, stooping, squatting, and traveling over uneven ground. I can now comfortably and easily take part in activities that I couldn’t have prior to my hip replacement. Kudos to Iowa Ortho and Dr. Aderibigbe!