I grew up in Iowa, but have lived in Los Angeles for the past 3 years to pursue a career as a professional dancer. Since I was about 12 or 13, my right knee has endured multiple dislocations. When I first began to dislocate my knee, it was typically during a dance practice or while tumbling. As time went on, the more it began to dislocate during day to day activities. I had seen doctors and physical therapists growing up, but no one could quite give me a solid answer as to what was going on. While I was able to get through the last decade of dance and vigorous activity, and even danced for the Los Angeles Clippers NBA team, by the end of my second season, it had finally caught up with me and something needed to be done.
I came to Iowa Ortho where I saw Dr. Vinyard. We had done our research and were pleased with what we had read online, but even more so what our experience at Iowa Ortho was like in person. Although the news we heard that day wasn’t ideal, I was so comforted by Dr. Vinyard’s uniquely genuine demeanor and respect for my career path. I had struggled in the past to find someone that took my injury and career as a dancer seriously and Dr. Vinyard repetitively referred to dance as a sport, acknowledging the physical demands.
He recommended MPFL reconstruction surgery to correct the tracking of my knee caused by years of ligament damage. I stuck it out for the rest of my 2nd season on the Clippers and made the tough decision to give my body the attention it needs and deserves and get the surgery done. There have been hard days as I have gone from an extremely active lifestyle to recovery mode, but I know that it will be worth it in the long run. Dr. Vinyard has been more than understanding and I have really appreciated the time he has taken to answer all of my questions- and believe me I have had a million! This has been a lesson in patience but I am so grateful to be in such great hands.
While I am not able to dance yet, it’s my passion for performing that has kept me motivated and consistently improving during this long recovery process. I started physical therapy 24 hours post op and was very consistent. I found that staying busy and remaining patient were two of the most important parts of the recovery process. I’ve gotten back into a routine of modified workouts and can’t wait to be back onstage again.
Holly has also shared her story on her own blog, you can follow her progress and read more about her experience here.