Do you need reassurance to feel confident in your medical decision-making? Or are you interested in learning if there is a physician that can provide a different treatment option? A second opinion may be something for you to consider.
Sometimes, medical diagnoses are very clear. For example, you know you need a prescription medication to heal your strep throat. But other times, our medical decisions can be life altering and challenging to navigate. That is when the advice of an additional expert may be beneficial. What if there is a minimally invasive way to fix your spinal injury instead of an open surgery that requires a long recovery? What if there were options for your pain instead of taking a pain reliever every day?
Second opinions should certainly be considered if your quality of life will be affected. They should also be considered if you have any doubt in your mind about the proposed treatment plan, whether it be from research you have conducted, a friend telling you their story, or simply an intuitive feeling. Be an advocate for your health and take matters into your own hands if you are lacking confidence in your doctor’s diagnosis.
The Iowa Ortho physicians accept patients that would like a second opinion as well as support patients that would like to get an opinion other than theirs. We understand that patients are doing their research and trying to make the best choice for themselves.
If you are interested in receiving a second opinion for an orthopedic need, Iowa Ortho invites you to reach out. Our physicians would be happy to review your records and provide a second opinion to ensure you have the very best answers on your medical care.